But I'll try to keep you posted as and whenever I can.
[I'm playing Masekela's Abangoma here because that's to me what best encapsulates the spirit of the land at the moment, but my next door neighbour is actually playing Miles and Coltrane on Kind of Blue, which is only appropriate because I can hear Coltrane in Abangoma...]

But I'll try to keep you posted as and whenever I can.
[I'm playing Masekela's Abangoma here because that's to me what best encapsulates the spirit of the land at the moment, but my next door neighbour is actually playing Miles and Coltrane on Kind of Blue, which is only appropriate because I can hear Coltrane in Abangoma...]
Tirei algumas fotos da cidade com os preparativos para o evento da Inauguracao de Obama. O meu escritorio e na Constitution Ave em Washington D.C. e tem uma vista maravilhosa para o palco que foi criado de onde Obama vai fazer o discurso Inaugural. Contudo, vai ser um pouco dificil para mim poder ir para o escritorio porque as pontes que utilizo e a estacao de metro mais perto estarao fechadas. Mas contudo, queria/o partilhar estes momentos historicos contigo/koluki uma vez que estou aqui no centro dos acontecidos. Para facilitar a comunicacao queria sugerir-te que me enviasses perguntas directas eu posso responder durante estes dias uma vez que nao irei trabalhar e tambem te enviarei entre hoje e segunda feira algumas fotos da cidade.
Amanhã lá estarei de partida para Washington!
[Voces os dois teem que arranjar maneira de se encontrarem ai em Washington... continuemos a conversa por email, ok?]
Hi Koluki, I was expecting you blogging from Washington!!! Anyway keep the good work from "Madiland". Good luck
Well, well, my dear... one cannot have their cake and eat it!
There's nowhere else in the world I would rather be today than there, but... coming to Madibaland was an imperative that couldn't be delayed even for one more single day!
So I had to be here and count myself happy for being alive today to watch it on TV - just like the vast majority of Americans and the rest of the world...
But, anyway, my lil' sis is doing a great job of covering it from a unique perspective. Hope you're enjoying her coverage from both the centre and the fringes of events there.
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