A encerrar este Marco Mulher, trago para aqui um testemunho (editado, por razoes compreensiveis) de uma Mulher (e devo acrescentar, Motswana) com quem tive o prazer e o privilegio de trabalhar. Faco-o apenas com o fito de ilustrar como, "malgre tout", sao possiveis relacoes pessoais e de trabalho baseadas em profissionalismo e respeito mutuo entre mulheres. Por isso (tambem) o muito que devo ao Botswana, embora continue at odds com algumas "burocratas do genero"!
I have worked for the (…) since 2001, and I believe AS joined the organization
just shortly after me. Our offices were next door to each other, and though we
worked on separate projects, we occasionally would exchange pleasantries about
our work, in between the pressure of work that is so typical of a organization
such as the one we work for. What we had in common was that we both worked as Technical Advisory staff contracted by separate institutions to enhance the
capacity of the (…).
Like A, I work in an area that is cross-cutting, in my case its gender, and in the case of A, it is policy and protocol implementation. Unlike A, though, I came in to join an already existing Unit that (...), while A had to start up the whole process of reviewing the status of implementation of policies and protocols with a view to establishing likely existing challenges and coming up with recommendations, guidelines and tools to facilitate processes of incorporating these regional legal commitments to domestic law, and monitoring their implementation.
A worked hard and tirelessly on her assignment that could not have been easy, as she only had her terms of reference to refer to, and no precedent to follow from previous work in this area, at least not in the organization. I came in contact with A's work for the first time when she convened an internal working session to share her report, findings and recommendations, and get feedback and input from colleagues to enable her to further refine and finalize the paper with buy-in and ownership of the whole (…).
In my opinion the work presented by A was sterling, and confirmed the impression I had carried observing A working in the office next door to mine. The report was well-researched, drawing from international examples and experiences. It was well-presented, both in written form and in the actual presentation in the working session, proving A's good presentation and facilitation skills. The report and presentation material were both very well written in English, which I believe is A's second official language, Portuguese being the first.
I subsequently participated in the second phase of A's project, which was a regional workshop to develop Guidelines for Policy and Protocol Implementation that was held in Cape Town in May 2005. As Technical Advisor for Gender, protocol and policy implementation is particularly of interest to me, as its implementation would have direct differential impact on men and women, and gender considerations would need to be taken into consideration at the various levels of development and implementation of the tools and guidelines.
Prior to the regional workshop organized and convened by A, I had had opportunity to attend another regional workshop with her convened to review the implementation strategy for the Protocol on Education and Training. At this meeting, held in Johannesburg, I was again struck by A's presentation and communication skills. I believe she also has strong networking skills as well, as I am aware that the Cape Town meeting was co-organized with another organization, entirely as A's effort.
I believe therefore that A has the right skills-mix (…), I also think that she is the kind of person that would carry out her assignment diligently and with absolute commitment. She's a highly qualified person in her area of expertise and (…). The rather exclusionist environment, and professional isolation that might have been a result of the transitional state the (…) has been going through in its restructuring process particularly impacted negatively on both old and new staff.
The state of tension, brought about by a situation such as this affects people in different ways, and causes people to react in various ways. I personally get on very well with A. I believe like all of us, A would particularly thrive in a professional environment that values and respects individuals and the contribution they bring to the process, while at the same time promoting dialogue to address any differences in opinions.

E porque "as questoes de genero" pendem sempre sobre uma balanca de equilibrios entre os dois sexos, ao testemunho acima decidi juntar os de dois Homens com quem tive igualmente o prazer e o privilegio de trabalhar - um Economista/Secretario Executivo, outro Jurista/Professor Universitario Catedratico.
(E note-se que nenhum deles alguma vez se mostrou exclusivamente interessado no meu corpo ou no meu perfume...)
I confirm that Ms S. worked with me for almost three years. During that period she was involved in research studies and writing of reports as well as advising on protocol implementation. Her work has always been professional and well documented. However, she would always be ready to listen to good advise and make adjustments to her submissions.
She also facilitated and organised a major workshop on protocol implementation during which she demonstated her ability to interact and network with member states of (…) as well as other institutions. She was one of the key presenters during this workshop and organized it with great care and devotion.
I have no doubt in my mind that Ms S. will be an asset to (…). She is fluent in both English and Portuguese. She is also someone who stands firm in her beliefs and will speak her mind without fear.
I have known Ms. Santana for about 2 years while she was employed at the (…). I have worked closely with her on one project (Incorporation of international agreements into national legal systems of member states).
I found her a competent person and a good organizer of the one international workshop in which we cooperated. It was well-organized and the background documentation was of a high standard.
(…) When we worked together she clearly had a full and clear command of rather complex issues; with the ability to identify appropriate responses.
She presented two papers at the workshop referred to above and that went well. She is originally from Angola and if it is taken into account that English is probably her third language, it testifies to her abilities. She has a strong personality and may perhaps have rather strong views on how things should be done. I did not find that a problem.
The documentation prepared by her read well and my impression is that she has good writing and analytical skills.
*[N.B.: As referencias aqui transcritas foram passadas em estrita confidencia a um na altura prospectivo novo empregador, sem o meu conhecimento e sem copia para mim. Seria posteriormente aquele novo empregador quem, perante circunstancias extraordinarias, viria a copia-las para mim, por email, para o meu conhecimento...]
Posts Relacionados:
Memorandum [de (des)Entendimento] II
SADC Macroeconomic Convergence & Stability Policy
Do Que As Mulheres Africanas Realmente Precisam
A Irresponsabilidade do Vazio
A encerrar este Marco Mulher, trago para aqui um testemunho (editado, por razoes compreensiveis) de uma Mulher (e devo acrescentar, Motswana) com quem tive o prazer e o privilegio de trabalhar. Faco-o apenas com o fito de ilustrar como, "malgre tout", sao possiveis relacoes pessoais e de trabalho baseadas em profissionalismo e respeito mutuo entre mulheres. Por isso (tambem) o muito que devo ao Botswana, embora continue at odds com algumas "burocratas do genero"!
I have worked for the (…) since 2001, and I believe AS joined the organization
just shortly after me. Our offices were next door to each other, and though we
worked on separate projects, we occasionally would exchange pleasantries about
our work, in between the pressure of work that is so typical of a organization
such as the one we work for. What we had in common was that we both worked as Technical Advisory staff contracted by separate institutions to enhance the
capacity of the (…).
Like A, I work in an area that is cross-cutting, in my case its gender, and in the case of A, it is policy and protocol implementation. Unlike A, though, I came in to join an already existing Unit that (...), while A had to start up the whole process of reviewing the status of implementation of policies and protocols with a view to establishing likely existing challenges and coming up with recommendations, guidelines and tools to facilitate processes of incorporating these regional legal commitments to domestic law, and monitoring their implementation.
A worked hard and tirelessly on her assignment that could not have been easy, as she only had her terms of reference to refer to, and no precedent to follow from previous work in this area, at least not in the organization. I came in contact with A's work for the first time when she convened an internal working session to share her report, findings and recommendations, and get feedback and input from colleagues to enable her to further refine and finalize the paper with buy-in and ownership of the whole (…).
In my opinion the work presented by A was sterling, and confirmed the impression I had carried observing A working in the office next door to mine. The report was well-researched, drawing from international examples and experiences. It was well-presented, both in written form and in the actual presentation in the working session, proving A's good presentation and facilitation skills. The report and presentation material were both very well written in English, which I believe is A's second official language, Portuguese being the first.
I subsequently participated in the second phase of A's project, which was a regional workshop to develop Guidelines for Policy and Protocol Implementation that was held in Cape Town in May 2005. As Technical Advisor for Gender, protocol and policy implementation is particularly of interest to me, as its implementation would have direct differential impact on men and women, and gender considerations would need to be taken into consideration at the various levels of development and implementation of the tools and guidelines.
Prior to the regional workshop organized and convened by A, I had had opportunity to attend another regional workshop with her convened to review the implementation strategy for the Protocol on Education and Training. At this meeting, held in Johannesburg, I was again struck by A's presentation and communication skills. I believe she also has strong networking skills as well, as I am aware that the Cape Town meeting was co-organized with another organization, entirely as A's effort.
I believe therefore that A has the right skills-mix (…), I also think that she is the kind of person that would carry out her assignment diligently and with absolute commitment. She's a highly qualified person in her area of expertise and (…). The rather exclusionist environment, and professional isolation that might have been a result of the transitional state the (…) has been going through in its restructuring process particularly impacted negatively on both old and new staff.
The state of tension, brought about by a situation such as this affects people in different ways, and causes people to react in various ways. I personally get on very well with A. I believe like all of us, A would particularly thrive in a professional environment that values and respects individuals and the contribution they bring to the process, while at the same time promoting dialogue to address any differences in opinions.

E porque "as questoes de genero" pendem sempre sobre uma balanca de equilibrios entre os dois sexos, ao testemunho acima decidi juntar os de dois Homens com quem tive igualmente o prazer e o privilegio de trabalhar - um Economista/Secretario Executivo, outro Jurista/Professor Universitario Catedratico.
(E note-se que nenhum deles alguma vez se mostrou exclusivamente interessado no meu corpo ou no meu perfume...)
I confirm that Ms S. worked with me for almost three years. During that period she was involved in research studies and writing of reports as well as advising on protocol implementation. Her work has always been professional and well documented. However, she would always be ready to listen to good advise and make adjustments to her submissions.
She also facilitated and organised a major workshop on protocol implementation during which she demonstated her ability to interact and network with member states of (…) as well as other institutions. She was one of the key presenters during this workshop and organized it with great care and devotion.
I have no doubt in my mind that Ms S. will be an asset to (…). She is fluent in both English and Portuguese. She is also someone who stands firm in her beliefs and will speak her mind without fear.
I have known Ms. Santana for about 2 years while she was employed at the (…). I have worked closely with her on one project (Incorporation of international agreements into national legal systems of member states).
I found her a competent person and a good organizer of the one international workshop in which we cooperated. It was well-organized and the background documentation was of a high standard.
(…) When we worked together she clearly had a full and clear command of rather complex issues; with the ability to identify appropriate responses.
She presented two papers at the workshop referred to above and that went well. She is originally from Angola and if it is taken into account that English is probably her third language, it testifies to her abilities. She has a strong personality and may perhaps have rather strong views on how things should be done. I did not find that a problem.
The documentation prepared by her read well and my impression is that she has good writing and analytical skills.
*[N.B.: As referencias aqui transcritas foram passadas em estrita confidencia a um na altura prospectivo novo empregador, sem o meu conhecimento e sem copia para mim. Seria posteriormente aquele novo empregador quem, perante circunstancias extraordinarias, viria a copia-las para mim, por email, para o meu conhecimento...]
Posts Relacionados:
Memorandum [de (des)Entendimento] II
SADC Macroeconomic Convergence & Stability Policy
Do Que As Mulheres Africanas Realmente Precisam
A Irresponsabilidade do Vazio
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