*England goes (went?) 'Smoke Free' today*
*Princes William and Harry gave a big party at Wembley Stadium today in honour of their late mother*
*The Spice Girls announced this week they're regrouping. Question: What for, to perform at Wembley today... to be invited to the first Brown's bash at No. 10 for a dash of 'Old Spice & Cool Britannia'... what?! Answer: Who cares?!*
*Britain is under 'high security alert' following a number of 'foiled terrorist attacks' this week in London and Glasgow*
*Beaux Dimanches: it's the title of a nice, simple song by an African duo (sorry I didn't get their names, but apparently they're from Bamako) I heard in the wrap-up of this year's Glastonbury Festival. It was also what it was today in London, after days of continuous rain! Maybe it was Diana smiling at her boys' party from above...*
*England goes (went?) 'Smoke Free' today*
*Princes William and Harry gave a big party at Wembley Stadium today in honour of their late mother*
*The Spice Girls announced this week they're regrouping. Question: What for, to perform at Wembley today... to be invited to the first Brown's bash at No. 10 for a dash of 'Old Spice & Cool Britannia'... what?! Answer: Who cares?!*
*Britain is under 'high security alert' following a number of 'foiled terrorist attacks' this week in London and Glasgow*
*Beaux Dimanches: it's the title of a nice, simple song by an African duo (sorry I didn't get their names, but apparently they're from Bamako) I heard in the wrap-up of this year's Glastonbury Festival. It was also what it was today in London, after days of continuous rain! Maybe it was Diana smiling at her boys' party from above...*
Yup, I guess that was Diana smiling from above, because the rain has been on and on again since yesterday... that's a yak then!
Yup, that's a yak... with or without cigarettes!
And whose the beau smile seen in the photograph?
Just Curious.
Well, Just Curious, you'll have to make do with this: curiosity killed the cat!
você é muito bem vinda em nossa fogueira. Quem sabe um dia acontece? Tomara.
Você sabe o que é um Bumba meu boi?Tive a alegria de ver um na cidade de meu pai. Veja as fotos em meu blog.
Um beijo,
It is Yup also for me... (though it is also Yak)... Maybe someday I get strong enough (and willing enough) to quit... Enfim... Há coisas piores!!
Martha, lindas fotos, parabens!
Eu sei mais ou menos que o bumba meu boi e' uma representacao teatral popular (preciso ser relembrada exactamente de seu/s tema/s e origem/ns). No inicio da decada de 80, um grupo brasileiro de teatro (se bem me lembro, eles tinham ligacoes com a Bahia, mas eram baseados em Sao Paulo) fez uma longa temporada de representacao do bumba meu boi em Angola. A actriz principal do grupo, Magali, acabou por estabelecer uma forte ligacao com Angola, onde talvez ainda esteja a viver...
Sailor Girl,
Mais uma afinidade... great minds smoke alike, lol!
E' isso mesmo, ha' coisas piores e irremediaveis, mas nos sempre podemos encontrar the necessary strength and willingness to quit...
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