... Ou
'De Diferencas Reais & Imaginarias'...

... Ou 'De como este blog e' capaz de ressuscitar mortos'... da noite para o dia!
Sorry, I'm so 'innocent' that it took someone else to call my attention to this... only yesterday!
Do you remember this?
(tip: it was 'also' on a September...)
Vultos, eh!.... Rsrsrsrsrsrsrsrs
E, ja' agora...
how about this one
...appeared on this slideshow?
... Or on how imitation is the highest form of flattery...
... Ou
'De Diferencas Reais & Imaginarias'...

... Ou 'De como este blog e' capaz de ressuscitar mortos'... da noite para o dia!
Sorry, I'm so 'innocent' that it took someone else to call my attention to this... only yesterday!
Do you remember this?
(tip: it was 'also' on a September...)
Vultos, eh!.... Rsrsrsrsrsrsrsrs
E, ja' agora...
how about this one
...appeared on this slideshow?
... Or on how imitation is the highest form of flattery...
very creative post. Ana obviously knows people in high places :)
Hi Nii!
Good to hear from you.
I just wish I could know "the right" people in "all the right places"...
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