Angola has spent an estimated $1bn (£615m) in building four new stadiums and associated infrastructure.
The work has been almost exclusively outsourced. A Chinese company using Chinese labour has been responsible constructing four gleaming state-of-the-art venues.
They rise impressively out of the dust, but are set to stand empty for most of the year.
A UK firm has laid the pitches, the television pictures are supplied by a French company, accreditation was provided by experts from Germany, the fake shirts available on the street were made in Portugal.
N.B.: Faltou acrescentar a directa ascendencia portuguesa do "nosso" treinador nacional, do arquitecto do "nosso" estadio nacional do "nosso" 11 de Novembro do "nosso" CAN e da "nossa" coreografa-em-chefe ex-critica do sistema, que, claramente sem saber de que terra e', coitad@, a "nossa" terra foi parar como "nossa" escrava branca kaTchokwe', comandando suas tropas de elite e 'patrioticamente' arrotando postas do "nosso" bacalhau da Noruega em perfeito 'timming' nos "nossos" midia (who said that "sex doesn't sell"?!) sobre a "nossa" cultura e as "nossas" raizes, em nome dos "nossos" ancestrais, e blasfemando 'descomplexada' e mui 'educadamente' (
Nosso (unico) Gooooolo!!!
[Oh yes, WE can... ehehehehehehe]
Angola has spent an estimated $1bn (£615m) in building four new stadiums and associated infrastructure.
The work has been almost exclusively outsourced. A Chinese company using Chinese labour has been responsible constructing four gleaming state-of-the-art venues.
They rise impressively out of the dust, but are set to stand empty for most of the year.
A UK firm has laid the pitches, the television pictures are supplied by a French company, accreditation was provided by experts from Germany, the fake shirts available on the street were made in Portugal.
N.B.: Faltou acrescentar a directa ascendencia portuguesa do "nosso" treinador nacional, do arquitecto do "nosso" estadio nacional do "nosso" 11 de Novembro do "nosso" CAN e da "nossa" coreografa-em-chefe ex-critica do sistema, que, claramente sem saber de que terra e', coitad@, a "nossa" terra foi parar como "nossa" escrava branca kaTchokwe', comandando suas tropas de elite e 'patrioticamente' arrotando postas do "nosso" bacalhau da Noruega em perfeito 'timming' nos "nossos" midia (who said that "sex doesn't sell"?!) sobre a "nossa" cultura e as "nossas" raizes, em nome dos "nossos" ancestrais, e blasfemando 'descomplexada' e mui 'educadamente' (
Nosso (unico) Gooooolo!!!
[Oh yes, WE can... ehehehehehehe]
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