"The Book of Chameleons", by Angolan journalist and author Jose Eduardo Agualusa, has won this year's “Independent Foreign Fiction Prize” by the London newspaper The Independent.
The author shares the £10,000 prize money with translator Daniel Hahn.
The prize celebrates a novel that has been translated into English and published in the UK in the past year.
The author shares the £10,000 prize money with translator Daniel Hahn.
The prize celebrates a novel that has been translated into English and published in the UK in the past year.

"The Book of Chameleons", by Angolan journalist and author Jose Eduardo Agualusa, has won this year's “Independent Foreign Fiction Prize” by the London newspaper The Independent.
The author shares the £10,000 prize money with translator Daniel Hahn.
The prize celebrates a novel that has been translated into English and published in the UK in the past year.
The author shares the £10,000 prize money with translator Daniel Hahn.
The prize celebrates a novel that has been translated into English and published in the UK in the past year.
It is great to read a blog by an Angolan woman. I am sure there are more but maybe written in Portuguese? I do speak reasonable Spanish (I live in Spain) so I can make out some of the Portuguese though not all obviously.
Dear Sokari,
Welcome to this kubiko (house), which I hope you can always feel as yours!
I really appreciate the fact that you say that you live in Spain, yet can understand some Portuguese, basically for two reasons: one, almost all Spaniards I've known, in Spain or elsewhere in the world, have said that they couldn't understand "a word" of Portuguese... two, I've run in this blog into some very serious trouble with a couple of people (or would they be the same 'creature'?... well, just ignore that question because it wasn't meant for you anyway...) who claimed to live in Spain or have some "allegiance" of some sort or another to Cervante's language!
But, fortunately, although barely knowing you, I feel that you are a trustworthy person!
So, my very warm welcome to you indeed!
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