I just think that this is a fair outcome for an issue that invokes all over the command: "practice what you preach"! There are, however, other views according to which this was a manufactured event, specially on the part of Europeans opposed to the war in Iraq, of which he was one of the main architects, meant to tarnish the White House, where Wolfowitz counted until now with the stern support of George Bush.
Some of the same views argue that the same treatment should have been dispensed to Kofi Anan over his son's involvement in the "Oil for Food" scandal... Yet other commentators utter that it's unjust that the image of Riza is being drawn through the mud like this, when she is "a very honest woman who campaigns for women's rights in North Africa and the Middle East and a substantial professional" who was working in the World Bank long before Wolfowitz assumed the post.
What do you think?
(Read more about this issue here - in Portuguese)
What do you think?
(Read more about this issue here - in Portuguese)

I just think that this is a fair outcome for an issue that invokes all over the command: "practice what you preach"! There are, however, other views according to which this was a manufactured event, specially on the part of Europeans opposed to the war in Iraq, of which he was one of the main architects, meant to tarnish the White House, where Wolfowitz counted until now with the stern support of George Bush.
Some of the same views argue that the same treatment should have been dispensed to Kofi Anan over his son's involvement in the "Oil for Food" scandal... Yet other commentators utter that it's unjust that the image of Riza is being drawn through the mud like this, when she is "a very honest woman who campaigns for women's rights in North Africa and the Middle East and a substantial professional" who was working in the World Bank long before Wolfowitz assumed the post.
What do you think?
(Read more about this issue here - in Portuguese)
What do you think?
(Read more about this issue here - in Portuguese)
Viva aí do Koluki. Quwe engraçado . depois de colocar meu mail sobre o vampiro Wolfie, passei por aqui já não sei porquê e vejo que seu post do dia é sobre o vampiro. Bons augúrios
Viva MCH,
Pois e' assim, meu caro amigo, a vida tem destas coincidencias... bons augurios indeed!
Va' passando sempre... mesmo sem saber porque... encontra-se sempre uma razao!
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