The Last Edition

First (Sunday, October 01, 1843) and last (Sunday, July 10, 2011) covers of the News of The World spanning a 168-year history.

This is the story of the downfall of a newspaper almost two centuries old…

This is the story of journalism at its worst…

This is the story of the pornographic demise of ethical principles, moral values, codes of conduct and professional deontology under the pressure of sensationalism and other egocentric 'easy rewards' and 'instant gratification'...

This is the story that clearly signals the end of an era in mainstream media as we knew it and the rise of citizen journalism (...though not necessarily all kinds of "social media" or "social networks"...) with the new standards of transparency and accountability they tend to bring about…
This is the story of 'all powers and institutions' gone mad!...
This is the story that totally vindicates the concerns raised in here
e aqui!
[First posted 08/07/11]

The Last Edition

First (Sunday, October 01, 1843) and last (Sunday, July 10, 2011) covers of the News of The World spanning a 168-year history.

This is the story of the downfall of a newspaper almost two centuries old…

This is the story of journalism at its worst…

This is the story of the pornographic demise of ethical principles, moral values, codes of conduct and professional deontology under the pressure of sensationalism and other egocentric 'easy rewards' and 'instant gratification'...

This is the story that clearly signals the end of an era in mainstream media as we knew it and the rise of citizen journalism (...though not necessarily all kinds of "social media" or "social networks"...) with the new standards of transparency and accountability they tend to bring about…
This is the story of 'all powers and institutions' gone mad!...
This is the story that totally vindicates the concerns raised in here
e aqui!
[First posted 08/07/11]
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