Acaba de ser enviado para o prelo e esta’ previsto para breve o lancamento do primeiro Compendio da prestigiada editora academica Oxford University Press (OUP) dedicado as economias africanas, entitulado “The Oxford Companion to the Economics of Africa”, para o qual fui convidada pelos seus editores e contratada pela OUP para contribuir com uma entrada, que entitulei "Angola: China-Led Reconstruction".
Este Compendio, projectado para coincidir com as comemoracoes do “African Jubilee” que teem marcado este ano de 2010, integra-se na ja’ estabelecida serie “The Oxford Companion” e e’ apenas o segundo dedicado exclusivamente a economia de uma regiao geografica do mundo, depois do que foi dedicado a economia da India em 2007.
Dentre alguns dos nomes “mais familiares” aos leitores deste blog que para ele contribuem destacam-se os de Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (The World Bank), Paul Collier (University of Oxford), Robert H. Bates (Harvard University) e Joseph E. Stiglitz (Columbia University).
Como um appetiser, aqui fica o registo do prefacio pelos seus editores:
This compendium of entries, together with an overview, provides thematic and country perspectives by more than 100 leading economic analysts of Africa. The contributors include: the best of young African researchers based in Africa; renowned academics from the top Universities in Africa, Europe and North America; present and past Chief Economists of the African Development Bank,; present and past Chief Economists for Africa of the World Bank; present and past Chief Economists of the World Bank; African Central Bank governors and Finance Ministers; and four Nobel Laureates in Economics. Other than the requirement that the entry be analytical and not polemical, the contributors were given freedom to put forward their particular perspective on a topic. The entries are not therefore surveys of the literature. Rather, they constitute a picture of the concerns of modern economics as it is applied to African problems, as seen by the leading economists working on Africa. We hope that this Companion will contribute to economic analysis and policy in Africa and thus to African development.
Ernest Aryeetey
Shantayanan Devarajan
Ravi Kanbur
Louis Kasekende
*[Update: Ja' saiu - AQUI]

Acaba de ser enviado para o prelo e esta’ previsto para breve o lancamento do primeiro Compendio da prestigiada editora academica Oxford University Press (OUP) dedicado as economias africanas, entitulado “The Oxford Companion to the Economics of Africa”, para o qual fui convidada pelos seus editores e contratada pela OUP para contribuir com uma entrada, que entitulei "Angola: China-Led Reconstruction".
Este Compendio, projectado para coincidir com as comemoracoes do “African Jubilee” que teem marcado este ano de 2010, integra-se na ja’ estabelecida serie “The Oxford Companion” e e’ apenas o segundo dedicado exclusivamente a economia de uma regiao geografica do mundo, depois do que foi dedicado a economia da India em 2007.
Dentre alguns dos nomes “mais familiares” aos leitores deste blog que para ele contribuem destacam-se os de Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (The World Bank), Paul Collier (University of Oxford), Robert H. Bates (Harvard University) e Joseph E. Stiglitz (Columbia University).
Como um appetiser, aqui fica o registo do prefacio pelos seus editores:
This compendium of entries, together with an overview, provides thematic and country perspectives by more than 100 leading economic analysts of Africa. The contributors include: the best of young African researchers based in Africa; renowned academics from the top Universities in Africa, Europe and North America; present and past Chief Economists of the African Development Bank,; present and past Chief Economists for Africa of the World Bank; present and past Chief Economists of the World Bank; African Central Bank governors and Finance Ministers; and four Nobel Laureates in Economics. Other than the requirement that the entry be analytical and not polemical, the contributors were given freedom to put forward their particular perspective on a topic. The entries are not therefore surveys of the literature. Rather, they constitute a picture of the concerns of modern economics as it is applied to African problems, as seen by the leading economists working on Africa. We hope that this Companion will contribute to economic analysis and policy in Africa and thus to African development.
Ernest Aryeetey
Shantayanan Devarajan
Ravi Kanbur
Louis Kasekende
*[Update: Ja' saiu - AQUI]
Aí Está uma excelente forma de ajudar a "promover a imagem de Angola no Exterior"...Continuação de bom trabalho.
Bjs. tb. pra ti!
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