Angola's Minister of Home Affairs Roberto Monteiro said on Friday Angola was sympathetic to Zimbabwe's police force and in light of recent disturbances and attacks on Zimbabwe police, Angola will be bringing in more that 3,000 police militia to help with quelling violence and maintaining law and order in Zimbabwe. Monteiro was in Zimbabwe to sign a cooperation agreement on public order and security, state radio said.
Angola and Namibia are President Robert Mugabe's strongest allies in the region and the deal raises the possibility that Angolan police could be called in. The MPLA government has a powerful police militia that is used to quell local disorder. There have been signs of dissidence among Zimbabwe's police, who are suffering as are the rest of the population from the effects of the collapsed economy. Speaking during a visit to Harare, the Angolan minister said the police should use appropriate measures to contain cases of violence in order to maintain peace and security and "the Angolan government will help Zimbabwe in this endeavour."
He condemned subsequent attacks on police officers, saying the police are there to maintain public order. He said some of the best trained police militia will be deployed to Zimbabwe as early as Tuesday to help with the growing unrest in the country." Angola will do everything in its power to help the Zimbabwean police force and will not allow Western imperialism to take over Zimbabwe," he said." There are misleading statements coming out of independent media and opposition politicians in Zimbabwe, that have incited Zimbabweans to rebel against their own government," he said.
"President Robert Mugabe and I have agreed on a law and order maintenance agreement that will see Angolan police helping with the situation in the country," he said. It is still unclear where Angolan militia will be deployed in the country and for how long. At least six police officers have been injured in revenge attacks on the force. Meanwhile Mugabe has threatened Western diplomats with expulsion if they continue their criticism.
(Sourced from here)
N.B.: In the meantime authorities of both countries denied this news (22/03/07).

Angola's Minister of Home Affairs Roberto Monteiro said on Friday Angola was sympathetic to Zimbabwe's police force and in light of recent disturbances and attacks on Zimbabwe police, Angola will be bringing in more that 3,000 police militia to help with quelling violence and maintaining law and order in Zimbabwe. Monteiro was in Zimbabwe to sign a cooperation agreement on public order and security, state radio said.
Angola and Namibia are President Robert Mugabe's strongest allies in the region and the deal raises the possibility that Angolan police could be called in. The MPLA government has a powerful police militia that is used to quell local disorder. There have been signs of dissidence among Zimbabwe's police, who are suffering as are the rest of the population from the effects of the collapsed economy. Speaking during a visit to Harare, the Angolan minister said the police should use appropriate measures to contain cases of violence in order to maintain peace and security and "the Angolan government will help Zimbabwe in this endeavour."
He condemned subsequent attacks on police officers, saying the police are there to maintain public order. He said some of the best trained police militia will be deployed to Zimbabwe as early as Tuesday to help with the growing unrest in the country." Angola will do everything in its power to help the Zimbabwean police force and will not allow Western imperialism to take over Zimbabwe," he said." There are misleading statements coming out of independent media and opposition politicians in Zimbabwe, that have incited Zimbabweans to rebel against their own government," he said.
"President Robert Mugabe and I have agreed on a law and order maintenance agreement that will see Angolan police helping with the situation in the country," he said. It is still unclear where Angolan militia will be deployed in the country and for how long. At least six police officers have been injured in revenge attacks on the force. Meanwhile Mugabe has threatened Western diplomats with expulsion if they continue their criticism.
(Sourced from here)
N.B.: In the meantime authorities of both countries denied this news (22/03/07).
Very strange!... Why is that some people like to go clean other people's houses before having their own house clean?!
Yeap, that’s the way some find to compensate for what they lack in most other areas at home… they just make themselves regional military powers.
Olá Amiga!
Só para dizer que o governo angolano já negou que irá enviar tropas para o Zimbabué...
Um abraço,
Ola' Luis,
Nao reparaste de certeza no N.B. que coloquei no post antes do teu comentario... Ja agora nota que nao foi so' o governo angolano a nega-lo, mas tambem autoridades do Zimbabwe... sem que ninguem pareca ter ficado muito convencido...
De qualquer modo obrigada pelo trabalho a que te deste.
P.S.: Ou sera' que subitamente passaste a "desentender" o Ingles?... :-(
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