Anna Maria Gentili, "Staying Power: il Frelimo dal marxismo al liberismo: Costruzione dello stato-nazione e ruolo del movimento di liberazione nel Mozambico post-coloniale," _Afriche e Oriente_ anno 8, numero speciale 1 (2006): 5-28.
M. Cristina Ercolessi, "Stato-partito dell'MPLA e nomenklatura nell'Angola degli anni '90," _Afriche e Oriente_ anno 8, numero speciale 1 (2006): 29-48.
Ian Taylor, _China and Africa: Engagement and Compromise_ . London; New York: Routledge, 2006. Two chapters focus on Angola and Mozambique.
Zarina Maharaj, _Dancing to a Different Rhythm: A Memoir_, Cape Town: Zebra Press, 2006; includes a couple of chapters dealing with her experience in the late 1970s teaching math at the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane and living in Maputo with other South African exiles (see especially pages 86-130).
The Encyclopedia of Race and Racism is looking for someone to write a 3000 word (approx. 12 page) entry on race and racism in the ex-Portuguese colonies in Africa. The deadline is extremely tight -April 16, 2007. Their scope for the entry appears below. If you are interested or want further information, please write directly to Rachel Kain, Project Editor, Macmillan Reference USA at gale.encyofraceandracism@thomson.com
Africa: Portuguese Colonies
Please describe any racial tensions which existed in the regions of Africa which were colonized by Portugal and how that situation changed with the coming of Europeans.
How did the racial situation evolve through the period of colonialism up to the independence movements of the 1950s and 60s?
What further evolution has occurred until now?
Describe groups and political parties which were organized on a racial basis.
Due Date: April 16, 2007
Assigned Words: 3000
Honorarium Amount: $390.00
Compiled by Kathleen Sheldon(UCLA/ H-Net Discussion List)
Illustration: "Encyclopedia of Pleasure" (Ghada Amer, Egypt)

Anna Maria Gentili, "Staying Power: il Frelimo dal marxismo al liberismo: Costruzione dello stato-nazione e ruolo del movimento di liberazione nel Mozambico post-coloniale," _Afriche e Oriente_ anno 8, numero speciale 1 (2006): 5-28.
M. Cristina Ercolessi, "Stato-partito dell'MPLA e nomenklatura nell'Angola degli anni '90," _Afriche e Oriente_ anno 8, numero speciale 1 (2006): 29-48.
Ian Taylor, _China and Africa: Engagement and Compromise_ . London; New York: Routledge, 2006. Two chapters focus on Angola and Mozambique.
Zarina Maharaj, _Dancing to a Different Rhythm: A Memoir_, Cape Town: Zebra Press, 2006; includes a couple of chapters dealing with her experience in the late 1970s teaching math at the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane and living in Maputo with other South African exiles (see especially pages 86-130).
The Encyclopedia of Race and Racism is looking for someone to write a 3000 word (approx. 12 page) entry on race and racism in the ex-Portuguese colonies in Africa. The deadline is extremely tight -April 16, 2007. Their scope for the entry appears below. If you are interested or want further information, please write directly to Rachel Kain, Project Editor, Macmillan Reference USA at gale.encyofraceandracism@thomson.com
Africa: Portuguese Colonies
Please describe any racial tensions which existed in the regions of Africa which were colonized by Portugal and how that situation changed with the coming of Europeans.
How did the racial situation evolve through the period of colonialism up to the independence movements of the 1950s and 60s?
What further evolution has occurred until now?
Describe groups and political parties which were organized on a racial basis.
Due Date: April 16, 2007
Assigned Words: 3000
Honorarium Amount: $390.00
Compiled by Kathleen Sheldon(UCLA/ H-Net Discussion List)
Illustration: "Encyclopedia of Pleasure" (Ghada Amer, Egypt)
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