Saturday 26 March 2011

The Obscene Moon

Exactly a week ago, on Saturday the 19th March 2011, coming from a stroll in the Regents Park, I was heading home through one of the main pathways of the Primrose Hill. I had just dispelled the idea of climbing up the hill to get that magnificent sight of central London from there: it had been a dry and sunny day but now the sun had downed and we tend to be “undercoated” for the cold that comes back to hunt us in the evenings of such early spring days. So, I thought, I’d better head straight home.

That’s when I spotted it through some trees: rising from whatever hiding place, a huge, humongous, startling moon! I didn’t think twice before changing my mind and my pathway and starting the climbing up the hill while not losing sight of that obscene moon – that’s how I immediately called it through my teeth: obscene!

Got up there and just marvelled at the spectacle of its wondrous rising, as more and more people, transfixed by it, came to the spot and its surroundings. Most had cameras, some of them potent, professional ones. I didn’t have any with me though.

SuperMoon Over Primrose Hill

But in the last two days I managed to borrow these pictures from someone who got them from a couple of people who where there, at that same Primrose Hill spot, and saw exactly what I saw last Saturday: That Obscene Moon!

Moon Over London

Exactly a week ago, on Saturday the 19th March 2011, coming from a stroll in the Regents Park, I was heading home through one of the main pathways of the Primrose Hill. I had just dispelled the idea of climbing up the hill to get that magnificent sight of central London from there: it had been a dry and sunny day but now the sun had downed and we tend to be “undercoated” for the cold that comes back to hunt us in the evenings of such early spring days. So, I thought, I’d better head straight home.

That’s when I spotted it through some trees: rising from whatever hiding place, a huge, humongous, startling moon! I didn’t think twice before changing my mind and my pathway and starting the climbing up the hill while not losing sight of that obscene moon – that’s how I immediately called it through my teeth: obscene!

Got up there and just marvelled at the spectacle of its wondrous rising, as more and more people, transfixed by it, came to the spot and its surroundings. Most had cameras, some of them potent, professional ones. I didn’t have any with me though.

SuperMoon Over Primrose Hill

But in the last two days I managed to borrow these pictures from someone who got them from a couple of people who where there, at that same Primrose Hill spot, and saw exactly what I saw last Saturday: That Obscene Moon!

Moon Over London

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