I guess certain things are to be expected in the 'blogosphere', as in normal life, but perhaps it won't go amiss to repeat:
"It is not what you call me, but what I answer to, that matters most"
African Proverb
(in "Capitalist Nigger - The Road to Success", by Chika Onyeani)
Picture: Kongo Mask
P.S.: And I know who you are ... (both of you whose comments I had to delete, along with some of mine and of some of the people I most cherish in this world)... write in whatever language you want (remember the first issue of this post?). Insult me and this blog with whatever words you wish... kill me even! But then it would be absolutely pathetic because it would be mostly on the basis of others' writings and ideas! So, apart from those already dead, how many more would you have to kill or send back to Africa from Europe (not just from your own country...)?
Don't waste your time trying to put me down (...just read Maya's poetry...), try instead to be better than me as a person and you will see that your blog will follow suit!
By the way: "Bush", I didn't delete your comment but I also know who you are... So, stop playing silly! Try to study more instead...
... And to all of you I recommend the reading, or the re-reading, of the post "A Inveja Segundo S. Tomas de Aquino". It's in Portuguese but with translations to Latin, which will certainly help whoever has a good grasp of the English language.
Querida amiga Koluki.
Chego do meu fim de semana e encontro aqui estas coisas escritas que me parecem recados para alguém que a incomoda.
Deixo-lhe um conselho: não lhes dê importância e siga o seu caminho. Continue este seu blog de grande interesse sem interrupções.
Você não precisa de se justificar.
Se me permite, hoje deixo-lhe um grande beijinho.
Oh, com’on now… you sure know better than wasting your time with these wankers!
Don’t lose it!
Querido amigo Silvera,
Como diz a minha mae, "elas nao matam, mas moem"...
Eu tenho ca' para mim que tanto fel apenas mata quem o produz e mesmo que me moa de vez em quando, dada a persistencia de alguns em causas perdidas, nunca me passou pela cabeca desistir por causa deles!
Um beijo.
Don't you worry. I didn't lose it... just wanted to let them know that even if they don't have better things to do with their idle time, they are wasting their time here. But then, I know that at least one of them only comes here to see if she can attract clients to her prostible... but she surely won't get any of my time!
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