The attached two articles report on the on-going International Labour Organisation’s 11th Africa Regional meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. While the first puts a price on the brain drain affecting the continent, the second blames the International Financial Institutions (IFI) for the poverty caused by lack of jobs in African countries.
Are the two interrelated? One would think so, although the causality links are not as clear cut as it might seem at a first approach. In fact, it is not entirely clear that stemming the brain drain is an item, let alone a priority, in both the IFIs and African governments agendas. And this is so because while much is made of the brain drain, little is seriously investigated about its root causes in the societies where it occurs – and these are a complex mix of social, political, economic and cultural factors that cannot be exclusively blamed on the IFIs' policies.
Interestingly enough, in the first article, a UNDP Administrator says that "African institutions are increasingly dependent on foreign expertise"... Has anyone ever cared to look closely at the recruitment practices of African institutions such as the AU, the ADB or any of the regional organisations spread across the continent? Has anyone asked why is it that such organisations (just like the member states that constitute them) are so reluctant, if not absolutely averse, to recruiting Africans in the diaspora, giving absolute preference to expatriates from other regions of the world, even when such Africans are more qualified both technically and culturally for many of the internationally advertised posts both in their headquarters and country or regional offices? Even when such posts are subsidised, or fully paid for, by institutions such as the EU, within programmes specifically aimed at repatriating Africans in the diaspora?
No one can truly understand the full dimension of this problem until they experience the institutional (or, in some cases, casual but not less hard-hitting) levels, open or disguised, of xenophobia and active systemic exclusion practices - to the point of denying them their own nationality of origin, even when they were forced by the very systems that institute such practices to leave the country and remain abroad - directed at African expatriates by the residents in their own country of origin, the self-entitled "insiders", all self-justified in their self-righteous "more african than thou" attitude... their fellow nationals or not! Clearly indicating that the average African brain, even if under-used and also treated as an "outsider" in the host countries, might be more valued/valuable, or just better preserved, out of Africa, particularly if it does not belong to someone clearly affiliated to the prevailing political system in their country of origin. And so the brain drain goes!
Are the two interrelated? One would think so, although the causality links are not as clear cut as it might seem at a first approach. In fact, it is not entirely clear that stemming the brain drain is an item, let alone a priority, in both the IFIs and African governments agendas. And this is so because while much is made of the brain drain, little is seriously investigated about its root causes in the societies where it occurs – and these are a complex mix of social, political, economic and cultural factors that cannot be exclusively blamed on the IFIs' policies.
Interestingly enough, in the first article, a UNDP Administrator says that "African institutions are increasingly dependent on foreign expertise"... Has anyone ever cared to look closely at the recruitment practices of African institutions such as the AU, the ADB or any of the regional organisations spread across the continent? Has anyone asked why is it that such organisations (just like the member states that constitute them) are so reluctant, if not absolutely averse, to recruiting Africans in the diaspora, giving absolute preference to expatriates from other regions of the world, even when such Africans are more qualified both technically and culturally for many of the internationally advertised posts both in their headquarters and country or regional offices? Even when such posts are subsidised, or fully paid for, by institutions such as the EU, within programmes specifically aimed at repatriating Africans in the diaspora?
No one can truly understand the full dimension of this problem until they experience the institutional (or, in some cases, casual but not less hard-hitting) levels, open or disguised, of xenophobia and active systemic exclusion practices - to the point of denying them their own nationality of origin, even when they were forced by the very systems that institute such practices to leave the country and remain abroad - directed at African expatriates by the residents in their own country of origin, the self-entitled "insiders", all self-justified in their self-righteous "more african than thou" attitude... their fellow nationals or not! Clearly indicating that the average African brain, even if under-used and also treated as an "outsider" in the host countries, might be more valued/valuable, or just better preserved, out of Africa, particularly if it does not belong to someone clearly affiliated to the prevailing political system in their country of origin. And so the brain drain goes!

The attached two articles report on the on-going International Labour Organisation’s 11th Africa Regional meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. While the first puts a price on the brain drain affecting the continent, the second blames the International Financial Institutions (IFI) for the poverty caused by lack of jobs in African countries.
Are the two interrelated? One would think so, although the causality links are not as clear cut as it might seem at a first approach. In fact, it is not entirely clear that stemming the brain drain is an item, let alone a priority, in both the IFIs and African governments agendas. And this is so because while much is made of the brain drain, little is seriously investigated about its root causes in the societies where it occurs – and these are a complex mix of social, political, economic and cultural factors that cannot be exclusively blamed on the IFIs' policies.
Interestingly enough, in the first article, a UNDP Administrator says that "African institutions are increasingly dependent on foreign expertise"... Has anyone ever cared to look closely at the recruitment practices of African institutions such as the AU, the ADB or any of the regional organisations spread across the continent? Has anyone asked why is it that such organisations (just like the member states that constitute them) are so reluctant, if not absolutely averse, to recruiting Africans in the diaspora, giving absolute preference to expatriates from other regions of the world, even when such Africans are more qualified both technically and culturally for many of the internationally advertised posts both in their headquarters and country or regional offices? Even when such posts are subsidised, or fully paid for, by institutions such as the EU, within programmes specifically aimed at repatriating Africans in the diaspora?
No one can truly understand the full dimension of this problem until they experience the institutional (or, in some cases, casual but not less hard-hitting) levels, open or disguised, of xenophobia and active systemic exclusion practices - to the point of denying them their own nationality of origin, even when they were forced by the very systems that institute such practices to leave the country and remain abroad - directed at African expatriates by the residents in their own country of origin, the self-entitled "insiders", all self-justified in their self-righteous "more african than thou" attitude... their fellow nationals or not! Clearly indicating that the average African brain, even if under-used and also treated as an "outsider" in the host countries, might be more valued/valuable, or just better preserved, out of Africa, particularly if it does not belong to someone clearly affiliated to the prevailing political system in their country of origin. And so the brain drain goes!
Are the two interrelated? One would think so, although the causality links are not as clear cut as it might seem at a first approach. In fact, it is not entirely clear that stemming the brain drain is an item, let alone a priority, in both the IFIs and African governments agendas. And this is so because while much is made of the brain drain, little is seriously investigated about its root causes in the societies where it occurs – and these are a complex mix of social, political, economic and cultural factors that cannot be exclusively blamed on the IFIs' policies.
Interestingly enough, in the first article, a UNDP Administrator says that "African institutions are increasingly dependent on foreign expertise"... Has anyone ever cared to look closely at the recruitment practices of African institutions such as the AU, the ADB or any of the regional organisations spread across the continent? Has anyone asked why is it that such organisations (just like the member states that constitute them) are so reluctant, if not absolutely averse, to recruiting Africans in the diaspora, giving absolute preference to expatriates from other regions of the world, even when such Africans are more qualified both technically and culturally for many of the internationally advertised posts both in their headquarters and country or regional offices? Even when such posts are subsidised, or fully paid for, by institutions such as the EU, within programmes specifically aimed at repatriating Africans in the diaspora?
No one can truly understand the full dimension of this problem until they experience the institutional (or, in some cases, casual but not less hard-hitting) levels, open or disguised, of xenophobia and active systemic exclusion practices - to the point of denying them their own nationality of origin, even when they were forced by the very systems that institute such practices to leave the country and remain abroad - directed at African expatriates by the residents in their own country of origin, the self-entitled "insiders", all self-justified in their self-righteous "more african than thou" attitude... their fellow nationals or not! Clearly indicating that the average African brain, even if under-used and also treated as an "outsider" in the host countries, might be more valued/valuable, or just better preserved, out of Africa, particularly if it does not belong to someone clearly affiliated to the prevailing political system in their country of origin. And so the brain drain goes!
All humans seek to improve their status and position in society. It is human nature and will continue being so. All the professionals going to far off lands seeking a better life just submit to these natural tendencies. In business, you can't succeed in any industry unless you can market and sell the reasons your product benefit the consumer.
This is where African countries fail. They fail to show why someone should stick through the tough times while a more lucrative deal awaits them elsewhere. Solve this problem and you will have most of these people moving back. It is all a matter of providing an enabling environment for business, growth, education, security and investments.
Hey Joshua!
It has been a while since you last graced this blog with a comment! Tx for the 'reappearance'...
I agree in principle with you. The problem I see, however, is that I'm not sure that most african governments are really motivated to 'call back' their professionals in the diaspora...
It's not just about the enabling environment, it's also about politics. The average african politician is interested first and foremost in staying in power for as long as he possibly can and it doesn't matter to him who gives him the technical backing provided that it keeps him/her in power. Trouble is, the likelihood of a qualified african posing a challenge to the status quo is much greater than that posed by any foreign expatriate - these are there for the money, not much more...
On the other hand, and here's where the IFIs carry some of the blame, all the batteries for creating and providing enabling environments for business etc. have been directed almost exclusively at attracting foreign investment and, consequently, foreign expatriates.
I think it is time to target those batteries to the attraction of everyone, provided that they can really add value, without any discrimination as to their origin. Unfortunately, as things stand, Africans are being discriminated against in Africa... How much of discrimination be it in whatever part of the world can a human being take along his/her life?!
That's my question.
But, "all things being equal", you are absolutely right. The problem is not all things are equal in the international labour and investment markets...
Thanks again for your comment and enjoy your weekend!
Amiga Koluki, teve conhecimento da realização em Lisboa, há relativamente pouco tempo, de uma acção de sensibilização organizada por um conjunto de empresas a operarem em Angola (tanto angolanas como estrangeiras), com o fim de convencerem quadros qualificados (de qualquer nacionalidade) a irem trabalhar para elas em Angola? Segundo julgo ter lido, a acção teve um êxito retumbante, com uma adesão em massa por parte de angolanos residentes em Portugal.
Um abraço
P.S. - O facto de eu não ter feito comentários há bastante tempo neste seu blog não significa que eu não o leia interessadamente todos os dias ou quase.
Denudado, meu caro amigo
Sabe que nao precisa de pedir licenca nesta casa que e' e sera' sempre sua.
Eu tambem ja' ha' algum tempo nao comento no seu blog mas mais devido a um qualquer problema que me tem impedido de fazer comentarios em alguns blogs, incluindo o seu, mas continuando a permitir-me faze-lo noutros... E agora chegou ao cumulo de nao me deixar fazer comentarios no meu proprio blog, a nao ser que eu use outro 'server'... enfim, misterios!
Quanto ao evento em Lisboa devo dizer-lhe que nao, nao tive conhecimento.
Mas tenho que lhe dizer, Denudado, que eventos desse tipo acontecem ha' muitos anos e praticamente todos os anos em varias partes do mundo. Aqui em Londres sao frequentes e, p. ex., daqui ha uns dias tera' lugar mais um que podera' ver aqui:
Nao so' teem havido esses eventos fora do pais, mas tambem ja' houve uma (ou varias) celebre "conferencia de quadros no exterior" em Angola ha' poucos anos, mas a maior parte dos relatorios que chegaram ao meu conhecimento dos que nela participaram ou tentaram participar foi que entre varias irregularidades, como o 'recrutamento' de estudantes e funcionarios das embaixadas e/ou seus familiares e nao de "quadros" formados e com experiencia, tambem se exigia aos participantes a filiacao nas estruturas do partido maioritario...
Seja como for, ha sempre relatorios falando em "exitos retumbantes" desse tipo de coisas, mas ainda nao vi relatorios de casos concretos de angolanos que tenham sido repatriados por essas vias, ou apenas de entre os que acorreram a esses eventos (e nao tenho qualquer duvida que a acorrencia seja sempre massiva) quantos foram os que efectivamente foram recrutados pelas companhias promotoras de tais eventos...
So' para lhe dar um exemplo do que falo, deixo-lhe aqui dois comentarios que podem ser encontrados no 'Angonoticias' sobre uma materia entitulada "Ministro dos petróleos pede punição às empresas estrangeiras que praticam actos de descriminação":
"Senior Manager Oil & Gas
A descriminacao comeca do momento em que voces constatam que na direccao de companias petroliferas em Angola praticamente nao ha angolanos; para alem de alguns compromissos politicos como a BP que nomeu o Chairman da alta para fazer as pazes com a casa branca depois de exigir transparencia no pagamento de bonanzas; ou alguns palhacos na TOTAL para se acalmarem no caso “Falcao” ..e nao me venham ca com desculpas de que os angolanos nao teem o nivel necessario de direccao em circunstancias normais. Por muitos anos Angola enviou muita gente a estudar no exterior, muitos dos quais por razoes conhecidas nao regressaram na altura mais que estao felizes para o fazer agora – eu sou um deles. Eu pessoalmente participei em alguns eventos de recrutamento de angolanos de companias petroliferas em Londres: nunca vi tamanha FARSA. Estas companias so estao interessadas em pessoal com nivel baixo ou medio. Logo que se apresenta alguem com capacidadae de comcurrer para postos de direccao, o baile comeca. No resultado destes “recrutamentos” so os que teem nivel para trainees (aprendizagem ou estagio) e que sao angariados. Por exemplo, a BP mais ou menos mais a TOTAL e uma palhacada completa. Eu trabalho agora na Venezuela para uma Maior compania petrolifera e penso que o governo angolano tem muito que aprender deste pais para a verdadeira Angolanizacao da industria petrolifera. Queria desencorajar aqueles que eventualmente virao lecturar-me sobre “Tempo para a transferencia de Tecnologia”, “Know-how”, “Propriedade intelectual” etc; eu tabalho na direccao (management) de um dos gigantes em Petroleo so que infelizmente contibuindo para o desenvolvimento de outro pais, depois da BP e a TOTAL terem-me dito que ... “infelizmente o teu nivel nao corresponde aos nossos exigencias” – Possivelmente teem razao: eu passei o meu estagio e aprendizagem ha 25 anos atras e neste contesto o meu nivel Realmente nao corresponde as exigencias ... porque senao alguns angolanos estariao na direccao de muitas companias petroliferas a defender os interesses de trabalhadores angolanos!"
"Kimpa Vita
Para alem do muito que ja aqui foi dito, so gostaria de acrescentar que, embora louvaveis (pois alguma vez e em algum lugar se tem que comecar), estas declaracoes: 1. pecam por tardias e 2. demonstram a patetica auto-imposta “impotencia” das nossas supostas autoridades para defenderem os interesses nacionais. Isto porque defender os interesses colectivos dos trabalhadores, ou dos legitimos e capazes candidatos a trabalhadores, no sector petrolifero ou em qualquer outro sector produtivo nacional, nao significa, como uma certa “classe dirigente” parece entender, defender apenas os interesses pessoais dos individuos em causa, mas os de milhoes de familias e, logo, de toda a sociedade e economia e, por consequencia, da Nacao Angolana! Tambem nao significa “afugentar” o investimento estrangeiro, como parecem temer os nossos supostos governantes (certamente apenas conscientes do seu status e comissoes), porque as mesmas empresas que violam a legislacao angolana esforcam-se por cumprir a legislacao da maioria, senao de todos, os outros paises em que operam! So que esses paises sao donos de si proprios e os seus governantes sabem que mais tarde ou mais cedo acabarao por ter que prestar contas aos seus eleitorados de tudo o que fazem ou deixam de fazer no cumprimento das suas funcoes! Acontece porem que os sistemas de patronagem e nepotismo de uma ascendente classe possidente que apenas ve o ceu como limite nas suas desmedidas e insaciaveis ambicoes de dominacao economica, politica e social em Angola, estao cativos das mesmas empresas estrangeiras que violam a legislacao angolana e vice-versa – sabemos bem que todos comem e engordam impunemente da mesma panela porque nao ha transparencia nem responsabilizacao governativas e… a ocasiao faz o ladrao! Como quebrar o ciclo vicioso, eis a questao. E a resposta, Mais Velho, passa pelo senhor usar dos seus poderes de implementador da legislacao angolana como ministro dos petroleos! Diz que “pede punicao”… pede a quem?! A comunidade internacional?! Faz parte das suas responsabilidades a implementacao da legislacao nacional e dos objectivos de desenvolvimento estrategico do pais no sector que dirige! Se ha empresas incumpridoras, e’ favor fazer uso da lei e dos seus poderes especificos, como agente implementador e mandatario do estado angolano, para a fazer cumprir! E o que estiver fora da sua competencia, e’ sua obrigacao encaminha-lo, sem hesitacoes, delongas ou contra-curvas, as instancias juridicas competentes, as quais por sua vez serao escrutinadas pelos lesados e sociedade em geral quanto ao cumprimento das respectivas obrigacoes! Finalmente, gostava de subscrever o primeiro testemunho do “Senior Manager”, porque passei por uma experiencia muito similar com a BP, com acento na palavra FARSA, e sei bem dos tais ‘aprendizes’ que com qualificacoes e capacidades mais do que duvidosas e sem nunca antes terem trabalhado na vida entraram imediatamente com o titulo de ‘Advisers’ para areas funcionais chave da empresa… e muito mais teria a dizer, mas como sugere um Anonimo, guardo os factos com provas documentadas para quando uma Angola capaz de ministrar justica em favor de todos os seus filhos e de velar patrioticamente pelos seus interesses como Nacao se liberte finalmente das grilhetas e trevas em que ainda se encontra enclausurada! Ate quando???"
Mas, neste post eu nao pretendia falar apenas do caso de Angola, mas das tendencias que se verificam em praticamente toda a Africa - as unicas claras excepcoes que conheco a regra sao o Botswana e a Africa do Sul, embora tambem estes "pequem por excesso" noutros aspectos das suas politicas nesse dominio...
Veja por exemplo o caso da anterior Ministra das Financas da Nigeria que ha' tempos aqui referi nos comentarios ao meu artigo sobre a "economia petrolifera".
Um abraco!
P.S.: Talvez deva "confessar" que o comentario sob o nome Kimpa Vita foi feito por mim...
"Trouble is, the likelihood of a qualified african posing a challenge to the status quo is much greater than that posed by any foreign expatriate - these are there for the money, not much more..."
Não esqueçamos que no poder ainda estão todos (ou quase todos) os que fizeram a guerra de libertação ou pertenceram ao regime de patido único.Sabem bem o que isto quer dizer : cosmética democrática por fora, mas no interior, um misto de mentalidade de partido único + mentalidade tradicional de sobado.
Algo que pessoalmente tenho pensado muito em integrar numa sociedade moderna naquilo que tem de positivo. Ainda "Vou a Santos"...precisva de discutir isto com alguma historiadora e antropóloga......adorava.
Mas Koluki.......TOCASTE NA FERIDA!!
Os horizontes verdadeiramente largos de quem vive no estrangeiro e vivência a multiculturalidade, experimenta o desafio de fazer valer o seu valor, pelo valor que tem o seu trabalho e competências, é no mínimo ASSUSTADOR, para o status quo angolano.
A penetração séria no coração de Angola terá de vir através da sociedade civil responsável, quer interna, quer na Diáspora.Um trabalho sério de congregação de esforços, articulação entre pares num esforço comum no mesmo sentido.
Terá de ser um trabalho muito subtil, mas de elevada persistência.Terá de se passar da Palavra à Acção, concertando os esforços de todos os que amam, Angola, mas não só: de todos os que têm por ideal uma sociedade mais justa e igualitária.
Enfim.........irremediavelmente idealista....cá me assino...
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