But, is he saying “I’m the father you never had... I made you, so I’ll un-make you!
Yes, you said that you couldn’t disown me, but you also dared to say 'we've heard my former pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, use incendiary language to express views that have the potential not only to widen the racial divide, but views that denigrate both the greatness and the goodness of our nation; that rightly offend white and black alike.'
You lost an opportunity there, son...
So, now I’m the one who’s gonna disown you and totally derail your campaign! It doesn’t matter to me, you are a politician but I only respond to God. You may go down in History as the first Black American President that never was, but that story will never be written without my role in it being mentioned! That’s all that matters to me and may God help me in my sacred mission to destroy yours and all your supporters’ dreams! God damn you and America! God bless me and only me!”
Or is he just the most self-centred, egocentric, megalomaniac, jealousy-driven prick ever to make himself a total fool in front of the entire world? Both, I think.
Now, what’s Obama to do? Keep saying “papa don’t preach” or definitively cut off any remaining open lines with him? The latter, I think.
Now, what’s Obama to do? Keep saying “papa don’t preach” or definitively cut off any remaining open lines with him? The latter, I think.
Update (30/04/08) - Later, yesterday, Obama did the latter:

But, is he saying “I’m the father you never had... I made you, so I’ll un-make you!
Yes, you said that you couldn’t disown me, but you also dared to say 'we've heard my former pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, use incendiary language to express views that have the potential not only to widen the racial divide, but views that denigrate both the greatness and the goodness of our nation; that rightly offend white and black alike.'
You lost an opportunity there, son...
So, now I’m the one who’s gonna disown you and totally derail your campaign! It doesn’t matter to me, you are a politician but I only respond to God. You may go down in History as the first Black American President that never was, but that story will never be written without my role in it being mentioned! That’s all that matters to me and may God help me in my sacred mission to destroy yours and all your supporters’ dreams! God damn you and America! God bless me and only me!”
Or is he just the most self-centred, egocentric, megalomaniac, jealousy-driven prick ever to make himself a total fool in front of the entire world? Both, I think.
Now, what’s Obama to do? Keep saying “papa don’t preach” or definitively cut off any remaining open lines with him? The latter, I think.
Now, what’s Obama to do? Keep saying “papa don’t preach” or definitively cut off any remaining open lines with him? The latter, I think.
Update (30/04/08) - Later, yesterday, Obama did the latter:
Well put! You pretty much said it all there. And Obama, shortly afterwards, rightly did the latter...
Thanks, Nick!
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