On Saturday, September 3, 2011 a group of around 200 young people assembled in Luanda, Angola to protest lack of freedom and the 32-year reign of President José Eduardo dos Santos. According to witnesses, the protest ended with police beating a number of protesters.
A video call to protest, uploaded on September 1, featured bold, personalized calls to protest by a number of the protest's organizers, many of whom are hiphop artists. The tagline of the video “32 anos é muito” means simply “32 years is a lot.”
[More details here]
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On Saturday, September 3, 2011 a group of around 200 young people assembled in Luanda, Angola to protest lack of freedom and the 32-year reign of President José Eduardo dos Santos. According to witnesses, the protest ended with police beating a number of protesters.
A video call to protest, uploaded on September 1, featured bold, personalized calls to protest by a number of the protest's organizers, many of whom are hiphop artists. The tagline of the video “32 anos é muito” means simply “32 years is a lot.”
[More details here]
Related posts:
Falando de Geracoes
Africa and The (digital) Democratic Revolution
A Tarefa de Substituir JES
Goodbye Brother Gaddafi
Terra Queimada
Quando as coisas começam nunca se sabe até onde vão chegar; é caixa de Pandora...
E' verdade...
De minha parte apenas espero que quando a Caixa de Pandora se fechar seja com um final feliz, ou seja, com uma mudanca verdadeiramente para melhor e, sobretudo, pacifica!
Kandandos de volta
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