Thursday, 5 August 2010

1960-2010: "The Year of Africa" 50 Years On (XIII)

Obama Meets Youth on Africa's 50th Celebrations

"We are rooting for your success," President Barack Obama told more than 100 young leaders from 40 African countries during a town hall meeting at the White House on Tuesday. He promised U.S. support for political and economic reforms, adding, "ultimately success is going to be in your hands." The U.S. government is also hosting an economic cooperation forum to promote increased U.S.-African ties.


Alex said...

That's impressive!

Tchinó said...

I read somewhere that from Portuguese speaking countries only Cabo-verde was there!!!!

What's the reading for young angolanos, special the ones who has "estamos sempre a subir" as a slogan.

Thanks for the post Koluki, have a nice weekend.

Tchinó said...

Opps, I heard a "Moçambicana" girl.Sorry

Koluki said...

Tchino', I suspect the reading is something like "estamos sempre a subir, mas para o lado" (ou seja, para a "marginalizacao" - e nao me refiro aqui a alegada "marginalidade do kuduro", de onde nasceu esse "estamos sempre a subir")...
E, sim, mais uma vez parece que Mocambique "tira vantagem" da sua associacao a Commonwealth...

Keep well.

Koluki said...

So' para registar que afinal parece ter estado la' um angolano, segundo esta fonte: