So far, I was able to spot new comments on the following posts:
- Obama vs Clinton
- Sentir-se em casa
- What's in a name
- Fim de ano no Luena
I would also like to suggest to the Anonymous who wrote about the laws in Brazil that it would help the cause if you could indicate any links through which the rest of us could get more information about the case you mention and the most efficient ways to help.
Thanks again to all of you for your support!
Obama vs Clinton
- Sentir-se em casa
- What's in a name
- Fim de ano no Luena
I would also like to suggest to the Anonymous who wrote about the laws in Brazil that it would help the cause if you could indicate any links through which the rest of us could get more information about the case you mention and the most efficient ways to help.
Thanks again to all of you for your support!
- Sentir-se em casa
- What's in a name
- Fim de ano no Luena
I would also like to suggest to the Anonymous who wrote about the laws in Brazil that it would help the cause if you could indicate any links through which the rest of us could get more information about the case you mention and the most efficient ways to help.
Thanks again to all of you for your support!
Yo yo yo! Nice blog. Not that my opinion is ever taken seriously. I am an evil vacuum afterall...
I just had a peep at your blog and found it equally nice. I don't know about how seriously my opinion is taken by anyone, but I'll surely keep working on the case of finding out what the 'evil vacuum' is all about after all...
Good Morning. Just wanted to drop a note about your blog. Kind of new to this stuff. I would like to learn more about Africa and other issues. I like the blog. I especially like the music. Keep up the great work.
Thanks a lot for your comment Anonymous. It’s always nice and comforting to know that what we are doing actually means something or pleases someone out there.
Now, let me take this opportunity to ask all my Anonymous friends to please identify yourselves with a name, fake as it might be, so that I can differentiate ones from the others? That would be helpful. It would also help if you could give some indication as to your location in the world and any other information that might be relevant.
One case where this sort of information would have been relevant was the Anonymous who commented on the post about Obama vs. Clinton (or is it you again?). I had a feeling that s/he might be writing from the States, but couldn’t be sure. In that case it would also have been relevant to know her/his gender and race. So, if you’re not the same Anonymous I’m talking about and if s/he comes to read this, I would like to know these details, if you don’t mind.
Please keep coming back and feel free to comment on or suggest any specific topics/issues on Africa you might like to read/talk about here.
Cleo, formerly known as Anonymous.
I am the anonymous who commented about Clinton vs. Obama. I am also kind of new to blogs and stuff, like some of the other folks here.
I thought the system would give each anonymous commentator a number, or letter, or some how distinguished the different participants. I see how complicated it might be for you guys, not knowing who is who!
Since I plan to participate more, I am PLEASED to announce that from now on I will be Cleo, formerly known as Anonymous!
I am writing from the United States of America, as per race and gender, I prefer not to divulge them at this time.
You guys are doing an AMAZING work, keep it up! Hey, could you give us some Portuguese lessons, too?
Cleo, formerly known as Anonymous.
Dear Koluki,
I really enjoy this site, and highly admire your work. You seem to have a passion for litterature, for your poem, Afrika, was very good, and opens peoples eyes to the hardships of Africa. I think that if everyone who visits here advertises this website to their friends and families,that it will become very popular. I have enjoyed my stay at this website, and will visit it more often.
Koluki, pode ter sido uma falha do próprio Blogger. Se assim for, não é preciso fazer nada, a não ser reclamar se os problemas voltarem.
Como sabe, quando colocamos um post novo no nosso blog, somos notificados por email do facto. No meu caso, recebi na minha caixa de email uma mensagem do Blogger a dizer-me que não tinha conseguido notificar-me por um post novo que eu mesmo tinha publicado.
Hi Cleo formerly known as Anonymous!
I am equally PLEASED to have you back with an actually nice name...
Unfortunately, I don't get the kind of info about visitants you thought. All I have is a counter that gives me some statistics and the map everyone can see displaying past and online visitors and their locations, but I don't get to know these details about the commentators.
Anyway, it's fine if you don't feel like revealing your race and gender, absolutely fine. It's just that I had a personal interest in gauging my "wild guess" about female African-American voters' inclinations between the 2 candidates. But you were clear enough about where your support lies and... isn't Cleo a female name? ':-) We'll find out about the rest later...
I suggest that you have a look at the article I have a link for under 'Check This Out' at AfricanPath. There's an interesting discussion going on there on these issues.
OK, I'll be waiting for what promises to be an interesting exchange of views whenever you feel like commenting again...
Thanks again for the interest shown in this blog and all the best for you and your son!
Hi Entity,
Great to know that you are enjoying your visits. Actually I feel a very fortunate girl today for having had such wonderful testimonies from the participants.
I can see daily that there are a number of visitors everyday from the 5 continents, but hardly get as much comments. Sometimes I wonder why and if it is something people don't like or feel intimidated about.
So, knowing that that might no be the case is always reassuring and stimulating. Thanks for that!
PS: Cleo, I forgot about your last question.. To be perfectly honest, that might be a bit complicated, but if there's a particular post in Portuguese that you would like to understand, please let me know and I'll do my best to translate at least a summary of it.
Amigo Denudado,
Obrigada pelo esclarecimento. De facto deve ser um problema do Blogger porque eu nao desactivei a instrucao para que todos os comentarios me sejam notificados por email, como sempre foram sendo ate' ha uns dias atras.
E o mais estranho e' que continuo a receber notificacoes dos meus proprios posts e dos meus proprios comentarios, mas nao dos dos visitantes...
This is Tim from Virginia. I was the "Anonymous" who stated that I liked your site and enjoyed learning more about Africa. I also enjoy the music! This was my only post so far, but I hope to comment every once in a while.
Keep up the great work.
Hi Tim!
Thanks again for your comment.
I'm glad to know that you are willing to drop a note again. I hope very soon... that will surely help to keep it up!
Best regards.
Nice try, on trying to figure out my gender!
Thanks for the link recommendation. I will have a look.
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