Assis Malaquias, "Angola : how to lose a guerrilla war," in _African guerrillas: raging against the machine_, ed. by Morten Bøås and Kevin C. Dunn (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 2007)
Todd Howland, "Case study: the United Nations human rights field operation in Angola," in _The human rights field operation: law, theory and practice_ ,ed. Michael O'Flaherty (Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2007)
Sandra Roque and Alex Shankland, "Participation, mutation and political transition: new democratic spaces in peri-urban Angola," in _Spaces for change?: the politics of citizen participation in new democratic arenas_, ed. Andrea Cornwall and Vera Schattan P. Coelho (London: Zed Books, 2007)
Sean Sutton, Tim Page, and Lou McGrath, _Angola: a journey through change_ (Stockport: Dewi Lewis, 2007) [photographs, on landmines with an introduction by Heather Mills]
Adebayo Oyebade, _Culture and customs of Angola_ (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2007)
Richard Lobban and Paul Khalil Saucier, _Historical dictionary of the Republic of Cape Verde_, 4th ed. (Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2007)
Tobias Green, "Masters of Difference: Creolization and the Jewish Presence in Cabo Verde, 1497-1672", PhD Dissertation from the University of Birmingham, UK; 2 vols. Passed its viva on December 6th 2006; official year for the dissertation will be 2007.
Lorenzo I. Bordonaro, "Living at the Margins. Youth and Modernity in the Bijagó Islands (Guinea-Bissau)", Ph.D. diss., ISCTE, Lisbon, 2007.
Elisabete Azevedo and Lia Nijzink, "Semi-presidentialism in Guinea-Bissau: the lesser of two evils?" in _Semi-presidentialism outside Europe_ ed. Robert Elgie and Sophia Moestrup (New York: Routledge, 2007)
Michelle C. Johnson, "Making mandinga or making Muslims?: debating female circumcision, ethnicity, and Islam in Guinea-Bissau and Portugal," in _Transcultural bodies: female genital cutting in global context, ed. Ylva Hernlund and Bettina Shell-Duncan (New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, 2007)
Boubacar-Sid Barry, _Conflict, livelihoods, and poverty in Guinea-Bissau_ (Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2007)
Brian Michael King, "Guinea-Bissau: "pull-and-tug" toward internet diffusion," in _Negotiating the net in Africa: the politics of internet diffusion_, ed. Ernest J Wilson, III. and Kelvin R Wong (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 2007)
Carrie Manning, "Semi-presidentialism and the preservation of ambiguity in post-war Mozambique," in _Semi-presidentialism outside Europe_ ed. Robert Elgie and Sophia Moestrup (New York: Routledge, 2007)
Hilary Owen, _Mother Africa, Father Marx: women's writing of Mozambique, 1948-2002_ (Lewisburg [Pa.] : Bucknell University Press, 2007)
Jessica Schafer, _Soldiers at Peace: Veterans and Society after the Civil War in Mozambique_ (New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007)
George O. Ndege, _Culture and customs of Mozambique_ (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2007)
Paolo De Renzio and Joseph Hanlon, "Contested Sovereignty in Mozambique: The Dilemmas of Aid Dependence," (2007)
Joseph Hanlon and Sean Fox, "Identifying Fraud in Democratic Elections: a case study of the 2004 presidential election in Mozambique," (2007)
Chapman, Rachel R. "Chikotsa - Secrets, Silence, and Hiding: Social Risk and Reproductive Vulnerability in Center Mozambique," Medical Anthropology Quarterly 20, no. 4: 487-515 (2006)
Helene Maria Kyed, "The Politics of Policing: Recapturing "Zones of Confusion" in Rural Post-War Mozambique," in _The Security-Development Nexus: Expressions of Sovereignty and Securitization in Southern Africa,_ edited by Lars Buur , Steffen Jensen , Finn Stepputat (Uppsala: Stylus, 2007)
Marcus Power, "War veterans, disability, and post-colonial citizenship in Angola and Mozambique," in _War, citizenship, territory_, ed. Deborah Cowen; Emily Gilbert (New York : Routledge, 2007)
Rachel B. DeMotts, "Democratic Environments? Conservation and Development across Southern African Borders" [South Africa and Mozambique], Ph.D. diss., University of Wisconsin, Madison (2006)
Helena Cobban, "Amnesty after atrocity?: healing nations after genocide and war crimes_ (Boulder: Paradigm, 2007) [compares Rwanda, South Africa, and Mozambique]
Lorenzo Macagno, _Outros Muçulmanos - Islão e narrativas coloniais_ (Lisboa: ISC, 2006)
Compiled by Kathleen Sheldon(UCLA/ H-Net Discussion List on Portuguese-speaking African Countries)
Illustration: "Encyclopedia of Pleasure" (Ghada Amer, Egypt)
Assis Malaquias, "Angola : how to lose a guerrilla war," in _African guerrillas: raging against the machine_, ed. by Morten Bøås and Kevin C. Dunn (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 2007)
Todd Howland, "Case study: the United Nations human rights field operation in Angola," in _The human rights field operation: law, theory and practice_ ,ed. Michael O'Flaherty (Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2007)
Sandra Roque and Alex Shankland, "Participation, mutation and political transition: new democratic spaces in peri-urban Angola," in _Spaces for change?: the politics of citizen participation in new democratic arenas_, ed. Andrea Cornwall and Vera Schattan P. Coelho (London: Zed Books, 2007)
Sean Sutton, Tim Page, and Lou McGrath, _Angola: a journey through change_ (Stockport: Dewi Lewis, 2007) [photographs, on landmines with an introduction by Heather Mills]
Adebayo Oyebade, _Culture and customs of Angola_ (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2007)
Richard Lobban and Paul Khalil Saucier, _Historical dictionary of the Republic of Cape Verde_, 4th ed. (Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2007)
Tobias Green, "Masters of Difference: Creolization and the Jewish Presence in Cabo Verde, 1497-1672", PhD Dissertation from the University of Birmingham, UK; 2 vols. Passed its viva on December 6th 2006; official year for the dissertation will be 2007.
Lorenzo I. Bordonaro, "Living at the Margins. Youth and Modernity in the Bijagó Islands (Guinea-Bissau)", Ph.D. diss., ISCTE, Lisbon, 2007.
Elisabete Azevedo and Lia Nijzink, "Semi-presidentialism in Guinea-Bissau: the lesser of two evils?" in _Semi-presidentialism outside Europe_ ed. Robert Elgie and Sophia Moestrup (New York: Routledge, 2007)
Michelle C. Johnson, "Making mandinga or making Muslims?: debating female circumcision, ethnicity, and Islam in Guinea-Bissau and Portugal," in _Transcultural bodies: female genital cutting in global context, ed. Ylva Hernlund and Bettina Shell-Duncan (New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, 2007)
Boubacar-Sid Barry, _Conflict, livelihoods, and poverty in Guinea-Bissau_ (Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2007)
Brian Michael King, "Guinea-Bissau: "pull-and-tug" toward internet diffusion," in _Negotiating the net in Africa: the politics of internet diffusion_, ed. Ernest J Wilson, III. and Kelvin R Wong (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 2007)
Carrie Manning, "Semi-presidentialism and the preservation of ambiguity in post-war Mozambique," in _Semi-presidentialism outside Europe_ ed. Robert Elgie and Sophia Moestrup (New York: Routledge, 2007)
Hilary Owen, _Mother Africa, Father Marx: women's writing of Mozambique, 1948-2002_ (Lewisburg [Pa.] : Bucknell University Press, 2007)
Jessica Schafer, _Soldiers at Peace: Veterans and Society after the Civil War in Mozambique_ (New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007)
George O. Ndege, _Culture and customs of Mozambique_ (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2007)
Paolo De Renzio and Joseph Hanlon, "Contested Sovereignty in Mozambique: The Dilemmas of Aid Dependence," (2007)
Joseph Hanlon and Sean Fox, "Identifying Fraud in Democratic Elections: a case study of the 2004 presidential election in Mozambique," (2007)
Chapman, Rachel R. "Chikotsa - Secrets, Silence, and Hiding: Social Risk and Reproductive Vulnerability in Center Mozambique," Medical Anthropology Quarterly 20, no. 4: 487-515 (2006)
Helene Maria Kyed, "The Politics of Policing: Recapturing "Zones of Confusion" in Rural Post-War Mozambique," in _The Security-Development Nexus: Expressions of Sovereignty and Securitization in Southern Africa,_ edited by Lars Buur , Steffen Jensen , Finn Stepputat (Uppsala: Stylus, 2007)
Marcus Power, "War veterans, disability, and post-colonial citizenship in Angola and Mozambique," in _War, citizenship, territory_, ed. Deborah Cowen; Emily Gilbert (New York : Routledge, 2007)
Rachel B. DeMotts, "Democratic Environments? Conservation and Development across Southern African Borders" [South Africa and Mozambique], Ph.D. diss., University of Wisconsin, Madison (2006)
Helena Cobban, "Amnesty after atrocity?: healing nations after genocide and war crimes_ (Boulder: Paradigm, 2007) [compares Rwanda, South Africa, and Mozambique]
Lorenzo Macagno, _Outros Muçulmanos - Islão e narrativas coloniais_ (Lisboa: ISC, 2006)
Compiled by Kathleen Sheldon(UCLA/ H-Net Discussion List on Portuguese-speaking African Countries)
Illustration: "Encyclopedia of Pleasure" (Ghada Amer, Egypt)
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