"Oil Game - The Scramble for Africa's Black Gold"Nao e' todos os dias que se recebe, pelo correio, um livro acompanhado por uma carta do editor com os seguintes dizeres: "Here you have a copy of the Anthology "Oil game - the scramble for Africa's oil". As a contributor and co-author of the book, we hope you are as pleased with the book as we are. With this year's anthology we have managed to collect a good variety of thematic articles on the challenges related to the increased interest in the African oil. Just as important are the up to date country profiles from every single African country, which makes this the only up to date reference work on Africa in Norwegian. (...) Thank you so much for your contribution. With great gratitude and lots of greetings from the Norwegian Council for Africa." Well, the gratitude and greetings are duly and humbly reciprocated and I feel deeply honoured for having been invited to contribute to such a prestigious work. Ja no que toca a estar tao satisfeita com o livro quanto os seus editores, a parte o facto de ter gostado muito da ilustracao do livro a preto e branco (a excepcao da capa e contra-capa), a coisa fica mais complicada porque nao entendo 'patavina' de Noruegues e o livro e' apenas publicado nessa lingua... prometo, no entanto, publicar aqui proximamente o meu artigo, "Angola, Petroleo & Economia Pos-Conflito: Que Fazer?", originalmente escrito em Portugues e publicado numa versao anterior no Semanario Angolense, Luanda, em Junho deste ano (tendo esta ultima versao sido tambem publicada pela revista angolana "Figuras & Negocios"). A carta que recebi esta manha (21/12/06) acompanhando o livro foi antecedida de um convite, em Setembro passado, de onde se destacava o seguinte: " The current 'oil bonanza' in Africa is often described in media under the dichotomy 'Africa’s oil – a curse or blessing'. Our anthology aims to discuss the broad spectre of issues between these two extremes. Through 15-20 articles, we wish to discuss and describe a range of problems, opportunities, countries, issues and cases related to oil in Africa. We will, however, prioritize contributions from Africa, preferring African writers to describe their own continent. Since the oil industry is a very international business where also Norwegian oil companies compete for contracts in Africa, we will also focus on Norway’s relation to the African oil 'adventure'. The anthology will be published this fall as the fifth in our Africa-yearbook series. (...) The Norwegian Council for Africa (NCA) was established in 1967 as the anti-colonial and anti-apartheid umbrella organization in Norway. During the last decade the NCA has evolved into a solidarity organisation for the whole of Africa, using information as our tool to justice and development for the African continent. Our earlier publications include titles such as For a fistful of dollars – trading Africa’s future (2003), Media in Africa – Africa in the media (2002-03), Africans on Africa (2000-01), Debt, Structural Adjustment and Conflicts in Africa (1996-97) and Democracy in Africa (1995). Among the contributors, we can mention: Wangari Maathai, Kofi Annan, Thabo Mbeki, Julius Nyerere, Kenneth Kaunda, Adurey Gatzekpo, Susan George, Samir Amin, Patricia McFadden, Adebayo Olukoshi, Yash Tandon and many others." A Antologia deste ano inclui tambem, a titulo postumo, um artigo do martir Nigeriano de Ogoniland, Delta do Niger, Ken Saro-Wiwa (1941-1995).
Mais detalhes poderao ser encontrados aqui (para quem entende Noruegues...).

"Oil Game - The Scramble for Africa's Black Gold"Nao e' todos os dias que se recebe, pelo correio, um livro acompanhado por uma carta do editor com os seguintes dizeres: "Here you have a copy of the Anthology "Oil game - the scramble for Africa's oil". As a contributor and co-author of the book, we hope you are as pleased with the book as we are. With this year's anthology we have managed to collect a good variety of thematic articles on the challenges related to the increased interest in the African oil. Just as important are the up to date country profiles from every single African country, which makes this the only up to date reference work on Africa in Norwegian. (...) Thank you so much for your contribution. With great gratitude and lots of greetings from the Norwegian Council for Africa." Well, the gratitude and greetings are duly and humbly reciprocated and I feel deeply honoured for having been invited to contribute to such a prestigious work. Ja no que toca a estar tao satisfeita com o livro quanto os seus editores, a parte o facto de ter gostado muito da ilustracao do livro a preto e branco (a excepcao da capa e contra-capa), a coisa fica mais complicada porque nao entendo 'patavina' de Noruegues e o livro e' apenas publicado nessa lingua... prometo, no entanto, publicar aqui proximamente o meu artigo, "Angola, Petroleo & Economia Pos-Conflito: Que Fazer?", originalmente escrito em Portugues e publicado numa versao anterior no Semanario Angolense, Luanda, em Junho deste ano (tendo esta ultima versao sido tambem publicada pela revista angolana "Figuras & Negocios"). A carta que recebi esta manha (21/12/06) acompanhando o livro foi antecedida de um convite, em Setembro passado, de onde se destacava o seguinte: " The current 'oil bonanza' in Africa is often described in media under the dichotomy 'Africa’s oil – a curse or blessing'. Our anthology aims to discuss the broad spectre of issues between these two extremes. Through 15-20 articles, we wish to discuss and describe a range of problems, opportunities, countries, issues and cases related to oil in Africa. We will, however, prioritize contributions from Africa, preferring African writers to describe their own continent. Since the oil industry is a very international business where also Norwegian oil companies compete for contracts in Africa, we will also focus on Norway’s relation to the African oil 'adventure'. The anthology will be published this fall as the fifth in our Africa-yearbook series. (...) The Norwegian Council for Africa (NCA) was established in 1967 as the anti-colonial and anti-apartheid umbrella organization in Norway. During the last decade the NCA has evolved into a solidarity organisation for the whole of Africa, using information as our tool to justice and development for the African continent. Our earlier publications include titles such as For a fistful of dollars – trading Africa’s future (2003), Media in Africa – Africa in the media (2002-03), Africans on Africa (2000-01), Debt, Structural Adjustment and Conflicts in Africa (1996-97) and Democracy in Africa (1995). Among the contributors, we can mention: Wangari Maathai, Kofi Annan, Thabo Mbeki, Julius Nyerere, Kenneth Kaunda, Adurey Gatzekpo, Susan George, Samir Amin, Patricia McFadden, Adebayo Olukoshi, Yash Tandon and many others." A Antologia deste ano inclui tambem, a titulo postumo, um artigo do martir Nigeriano de Ogoniland, Delta do Niger, Ken Saro-Wiwa (1941-1995).
Mais detalhes poderao ser encontrados aqui (para quem entende Noruegues...).
1 comment:
Pois este é um tema que me interessa sobremaneira, mas o raio do Inglês.....leio....compreendo a maior parte, mas quando a leitura é extensa, é que é o busilis!Uffff...fico cansada.Continuo a matutar numa fórmula de ir direcamente ao "bolso" das Compªs.Petrolíferas, para projectos de DESENVOLVIMENTO e deixarmo-nos de TURISMO DE CALAMIDADE, que é o que são as Missões de Ajuda Humanitária, de curta duração ( máximo 18 meses!)Havia maneira, havia....vou continuar a pensar.Se alguém gostar destes temas e projectos...lance sugestões de viabilizar parcerias de forma totalmente inovadora, por favor.Abraços
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