Here’s how it is presented by its editors*: “This book is a documentary on the lives of ‘previously disadvantaged’ but presently overcoming individuals. It is about the dignity to be found in the dusty streets of South Africa’s shack-lands. While these people obviously don’t take pleasure in the poverty they live in, they stand proud in the face of it. These are people who are doing the best they can with the little they have and, in the process, coming up with something aesthetically unique and fresh to offer the world. This is creativity and ingenuity. This is Shack Chic.”
Yet, for some reason, I can't get 'round this question: is “Shack Chic” really about
“victory: to build a shack and call it home”

“houses are built on foundations and walls and roof. homes are built with things much deeper and less concrete”
“temples are never built in one day. but mine, this shack, was built in half a day”
“there is something sensual about the rattle of rain on a corrugated roof”
“after the rain, earth, as whiff, comes knocking on my fragile door. earth as fragrance embracing the musk and unmasking the undressed breath of another night of tender love making under the naughty stars peeping through the transparency of a revealing plastic roof”
“on that chair there, we conceived Sipho the gift. that was before the bed and a job from Airflex Recliners (Pty) Ltd”
“jesus was not born here but sometimes he comes in through the little holes in the walls and sits on that chair”
“there are many ways to make music. sometimes it is a deep blue against the wall, a bright yellow against fear, another red to tribute imagination, hopefully an orange to earth bad vibes and my black voice saying my life is beautiful”
“these walls, thin as membranes, keep nothing outside. they are here to keep our beauty inside, away from that solitude out there”
“the tentacles of despair are challenged by the soft touches of eternal determination. many times between void and void it is only us testifying to creative essence as hope.”
Photography by Craig Fraser
Poetry by Sandile Dikeni
*Quivertree Publications, Cape Town, South Africa (2002)
ADENDA: Pela sua relevancia nao so' para o tema deste post, mas tambem para algumas discussoes aqui tidas, decidi colocar aqui em anexo este artigo publicado esta semana no jornal Capetoniano 'Cape Times'.

“houses are built on foundations and walls and roof. homes are built with things much deeper and less concrete”
“temples are never built in one day. but mine, this shack, was built in half a day”
“there is something sensual about the rattle of rain on a corrugated roof”
“after the rain, earth, as whiff, comes knocking on my fragile door. earth as fragrance embracing the musk and unmasking the undressed breath of another night of tender love making under the naughty stars peeping through the transparency of a revealing plastic roof”
“on that chair there, we conceived Sipho the gift. that was before the bed and a job from Airflex Recliners (Pty) Ltd”
“jesus was not born here but sometimes he comes in through the little holes in the walls and sits on that chair”
“there are many ways to make music. sometimes it is a deep blue against the wall, a bright yellow against fear, another red to tribute imagination, hopefully an orange to earth bad vibes and my black voice saying my life is beautiful”
“these walls, thin as membranes, keep nothing outside. they are here to keep our beauty inside, away from that solitude out there”
“the tentacles of despair are challenged by the soft touches of eternal determination. many times between void and void it is only us testifying to creative essence as hope.”
Photography by Craig Fraser
Poetry by Sandile Dikeni
*Quivertree Publications, Cape Town, South Africa (2002)
ADENDA: Pela sua relevancia nao so' para o tema deste post, mas tambem para algumas discussoes aqui tidas, decidi colocar aqui em anexo este artigo publicado esta semana no jornal Capetoniano 'Cape Times'.